Here in the US, our Thanksgiving Holiday is tomorrow. If you watch TV or do anything online, you’re probably seeing a ton of ads celebrating Black Friday and this weekend’s sales. While getting things at a discount is always nice, I prefer to focus on the reason for the Holiday – gratitude.
As time passes, I’m reminded that it’s important to remember and celebrate those things that are special to you… family, friends, time spent with people you love. Family and friends may not always be here and I cherish the time spent with both.
I couldn’t make a post without sharing a picture from a past Thanksgiving…

This was last year’s guest of honor. Just kidding, family is always the guest of honor. But this turkey sure was delicious if I do say so myself!
While you’re doing your shopping this weekend, take a few minutes to call or text a friend or loved one letting them know what they mean to you. Wishing you the best of Holidays and time with those you love.

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