Yikes, I am way behind in getting out my Customer Thank You’s. It’s already July and the May Thank You’s just went out last week in the mail. I really try to get this out at the end of the month, but it just didn’t happen in June. Don’t worry, I’m already working on June’s Thank You’s. Even though I’m a little late getting these out, making thank you’s is one of my favorite parts of my job every month.
This card uses the Nothing’s Better Than stamp set. I love all the fun sayings in this stamp set. It has so many different phrases you can mix and match.

If you missed out on getting May’s Thank You card, you still have time get July’s card. I automatically send these out to everyone that makes a purchase either online or at an event or subscribes to Paper Pumpkin via me. You can click on the Order button on the right and it will take you straight to my shop.

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