Just a word of warning… this is the craftermath of me trying to scrapbook some pictures. Images are messier then they appear on the screen.
This is a mini album I’m working on of a trip to Seattle my daughter and I took last Spring. It was a four day trip so not a ton of photos, but I definitely want to remember the memories. I am absolutely loving having “adult” children. It’s such a different relationship and I feel like I can also be a friend in addition to being their parent. She and I had a blast checking out the City and doing all the fun things that we came across, like eating really good food, shopping, all the museums, and a quick trip to Forks.

This album uses our Memories & More cards and albums to create the scrapbook. I like the pocket pages because I don’t have to design something overly elaborate. I can just put my pictures in the pockets and add some journaling so I remember all the fun memories. I should have this album wrapped up in a couple days.
Long before I started buying Stampin Up products, I scrapbooked regularly… like almost daily. I loved creating something that my family could enjoy. I loved having pictures in albums so I can relive the memory. But the one downside, if you’re lucky, is that you’re never “done” scrapbooking. There’s always more outings, more birthdays, more celebrations, more trips, which is a very good thing.
At this point in my life, I tend to do mini albums for special celebrations or trips rather than all of our everyday photos. I keep telling myself I need to do our everyday photos too because that really is our life. Although sometimes life events happen and you run into a block to work on those photos. I know I’ll get back to them someday when the time is right.

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