As you’re reading this, I’m probably at home recovering from being up very, very, very early this morning working my shift at Grad night last night. I’m completely exhausted but it was worth it. And it’s all for this amazing kid… Thirteen years ago, I celebrated your pre-school graduation. You were so adorable in your little red graduation cap. Then I held your hand as I walked you to your brand new Kindergarten class. Going to “school” was nothing new for you since you’d already attended pre-school. But, this was real school… the big leagues. Okay, maybe not so big considering it was Kindergarten. Still, I wasn’t prepared for how I would feel walking away that day. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions… excited for your next chapter and sad to see you growing a little older.
Thirteen years later, we are here at the High School finish line. Class of 2018. Where did the time go? It seems like just last week you were in Elementary School. But last night I just watched you walk across that stage to collect your High School diploma. Somewhere in there, you grew up.Once again, so many emotions as I watch you about to take your next steps to college. It’s time for me to let you spread your wings. You have grown into an amazing young man. I know you will excel at your next adventure. I can’t wait to see where life takes you.
Such sweet words. Only a mom knows. It goes by so fast