Quick post today to remind you to redeem your Bonus Days coupons that you received in July. You can use all of your coupons in one order or split them out between orders. The deadline to redeem your coupons is August 31st.

If you’re trying to figure out what to get with your coupons, there are lots of great choices in the new Holiday Catalog…

By ordering your Holliday craft supplies early, you’ll give yourself extra time to procrastinate and then once again cram it all in at the last minute. You know you do this. I know you do this, because I do it as well. Ha!
Plus you get to check out our amazing brand new online store! The new store is supposed to be a better shopping experience. If you find that not the case, please leave Feedback on the store link. We want to make it the best possible experience for you.

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