November’s Paper Pumpkin Kit was a fun set of Holiday tags for your gift giving purposes. The kit makes twelve tags, four each of three designs.

I love that these tags coordinate with the October Paper Pumpkin kit, which means you can mix and match the elements together. Plus the November kit had a special add-on, the North Pole Sacks. The sacks are food-safe and you get twelve in the package.

The Paper Pumpkin add-ons are only available to Paper Pumpkin subscribers. The December Paper Pumpkin kit will have an add-on available as well. This is the perfect time to sign up for a Paper Pumpkin subscription so you can get the add-ons too. You can purchase a temporary subscription for 3, 6, or 12 months or sign up for an ongoing subscription. For a temporary subscription, you can purchase those in my online store and then redeem the code that’s emailed to you. For an ongoing subscription, just click on my Paper Pumpkin link and you can sign up there. As always, contact me anytime you need help. That’s what I’m here for.

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