Today’s post is a tough one. My pup Frannie went missing right before Christmas. It’s been a really tough month since she’s been gone. I struggled with whether or not I should share this here, but many of you have commented and liked her past posts and pictures. She was my faithful friend, always following me around. She was the best assistant I’ve ever had and she deserves the recognition.
Frannie was always willing to put up with my antics as you can see below. This was a party hat I made for her and then did an “employee of the month” photo shoot with her. I even went so far as to print out the photo and hang it on the wall in my studio. Trust me, she was really excited to be named Employee of the Month. And she definitely got extra cookies for the photo shoot.

Frannie had quite the wardrobe and loved wearing sweaters. She was less excited about Halloween costumes, but she’d wear them anyway – at least for a little while. Here she is dressed as Harry Potter. The glasses didn’t last long, but she wore the robe and necktie most of the day.

Frannie and I spent many hours in my studio creating works of art. I was doing most of the creating, but she was always by my side cheering me on. Sometimes she snored while she cheered me on, but it’s the thought that counts.
On the rare Saturday or Sunday when I didn’t have another obligation, she and I would have a staff meeting. Staff meeting was our code word for afternoon nap together on the couch. It was a great excuse when I was late somewhere. It sounds so much better when you say “sorry I’m late, staff meeting ran long” than “oops, took a nap this afternoon”. I think most of my friends were wise to what I meant when I said I had a staff meeting though.
Frannie is greatly missed. She was my sweet furry friend. She was the best ever.
Hug your furry friend today.

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