I have fake grass in my yard. Instead of lovely plants, I have rocks in my planters. In general, I don’t grow things. I had given up on ever having houseplants that lived for more than a month.
About 10-12 years ago I discovered succulents. And then I found out that I, the lady with the black thumb of death, could keep a succulent growing for a very long time. In fact, I still have one of my very first succulent plants. It’s been repotted a few times and I’m amazed that it survived the transitions, but it is still going.
When Stampin Up first started sneaking pictures of the February Paper Pumpkin kit, I was pretty sure I was going to love this one. Check out these beautiful cards!
These photo-realistic cards are amazing! And so beautiful in real life. I have an alternate project in mind for these cards and I’ll share it as soon as I get a chance. Usually, we have extra kits that are available, but February sold out really quick.
If you love this kit, but missed out on getting it, then you definitely don’t want to miss the next kit. March is a big month for Paper Pumpkin. It is Paper Pumpkin’s sixth birthday! Can you believe it? Sign up by March 10th to get the special March Sixth Birthday kit. There’s an extra stamp set in this kit, so you will not want to miss it.
Sale-abration and Sale-abration Coordination.. what’s the difference? The difference is that the Sale-abration items are FREE with a qualifying purchase (for every $50 you spend pre-tax/shipping), and the Coordinating products must be purchased. The Coordinating products coordinate with the first SAB release. Both of these promos are available now through the end of March or while supplies last. Don’t miss out on getting the dies to match those free stamp sets that you already earned. Click the Order Online button on the right and it will take you to my store.
You’re hired! Doesn’t that sound awesome? I bet you didn’t even know you were looking for a job. If you’ve been on the fence about becoming a Demonstrator, now is the perfect time to sign up. Sale-abration started earlier this month and we have some great rewards that are available. There are two options for signing up: Option 1 spend $99 and select $175 in products to come in your kit; Option 2 is spend $129 and select $175 in products for your kit and get that amazing new Craft & Carry Tote Bag! I was able to get one of these tote bags last month and it is so great. I love that it fits my paper trimmer and has a ton of pockets for so many things.
Upcoming Classes
3/25, Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm Card Class $25.00 (All About Birthdays). Make two cards and a 3D box using new products in the Occasions Catalog.
4/29, Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm Card Class $25.00 (Happiness Blooms Suite). Make two cards and a 3D box using the fun new Happiness Blooms products in the Occasions Catalog.
5/1, Wednesday, 7:00-9:00 pm Paper Pumpkin Night $15.00 Come check out Stampin Up’s Paper Pumpkin subscription kit and see what it’s all about. Make two cards.
5/20, Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm Card Class $25.00 (Classic Garage Suite). Make two cards and a 3D box using the fun new Classic Garage products in the Occasions Catalog.
6/1, Saturday, 2:30-5:00 pm New Annual Catalog Open House $10. Come check out the new Annual Catalog and new In Colors for 2019. Make one project and take home your Annual Catalog with you.
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