I’m a little behind in sharing the August Paper Pumpkin kit. The Sweet Sunflowers kit was really popular. I sold out of almost all my kits within a few days of receiving them. I’ve since sold out the remaining kits I had on hand. And unfortunately, there are no more kits available to get from Stampin Up.

Even though this kit is now sold out, I still wanted to share how beautiful this kit is. Hopefully, Stampin Up will consider adding a similar kit like this to our Kits Collection. The difference between our Kits Collection and Paper Pumpkin is that the Paper Pumpkin kits are limited release. The Kits Collection will be available for at least one year online.
And now for this weeks Weekly Deals! There are some great options this week. I use that gold ribbon quite a bit. And I always have lots of embellishments on hand, like the pearls or the dots.
You can see the Weekly Deals online in my store, just click the Shop button on the right. Then search for Specials, Weekly Deals. My online store is open 24/7 for your convenience.

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